Thinking Different

widgets-three.pngA few days ago I took delivery of a brand-spanking-new Thinkpad T42. It’s a beast of a machine with the sex appeal of a brick, but it’ll do.

Why a Thinkpad? I’d like to be able to build Firefox and Thunderbird on Windows and Linux. I’m very slow in getting to my Windows Firefox bugs because of the lack of a good development machine. Now I have no excuse 🙂 I’d also like to develop themes for GNOME at some point.
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Ben's Linux Adventure

I’m encouraged by Ben Goodger’s post about his experiences with Fedora Linux. Installing and configuring Linux used to be a painful experience. At least now you don’t have to be a technical wizard to get it up and running. The GNOME desktop has come a long way. It doesn’t approach the level of usability and polish that is evident in Mac OS X, but it’s refreshing that one of Ben’s complaints is about the “drab colors” of the login screen and desktop background. A few years ago one of my complaints about Linux was that I needed to recompile the kernel to add features that I expected out-of-the-box.