It’s just a matter of time before any blog contains pictures of children or kittens. Here are two little ladies that we’ll be adopting after Thanksgiving. Any kitten-raising tips would be appreciated 🙂
Category: Stuff
Silliness is its own reward (Updated with extra mirth!)
Looking over the selection of Firefox buttons at the new SpreadFirefox site, I was inspired to make this:
To the obvious question, I say: Why not? This is an audience participation blog post. Warm up your Photoshops and your MacPaints and lets see your take on the little browser that could!
UPDATE: This comes from Scott @
He has another one on his blog. Cool stuff!
UPDATE 2: Daniel Keep sent this one through email. Thanks Daniel 🙂
Closing in on Firefox 1.0: the Mac user experience
Now that the dust is settling from the 0.9 release, I thought I’d turn my attention to the Mac Firefox experience and what I think needs to happen to make 1.0 great. Firefox’s UI is “good enough” for day to day use, but there are some not so subtle rough edges that make Mac Firefox user experience less than stellar. Here’s a list with some thoughts. The ones on the top are very important in my opinion. The ones near the bottom will probably be random gibbering 🙂
Continue reading “Closing in on Firefox 1.0: the Mac user experience”
Firefox 0.9 is out!
Firefox 0.9 has been released. This new version includes a lot of great features and optimizations as well as a new default theme.
Mac users will allso notice that the default theme also gets a set of Aqua icons to replace the previous “button” icons. The new icons are more consistent with the Aqua icon guidelines and are easier to hit with the mouse. They also work with the Windows default theme to create a unified look across platforms.
I will create a Graphite version soon. Oh, and before you ask me to put the old icons back, please turn on “small icons” and live with the new ones for a week. Then we’ll talk 🙂
The fox is out of the bag
You might have read that Firefox is getting a new default theme. Here’s a first look. I’ll post more about the making of the theme in the next few days.
Edit: I appreciate all feedback, negative as well as positive, but please reserve final judgement until you have actually used the theme 🙂
Tweaking the Tone
A look at the history of a BBC News article provided by my RSS aggregator. Each of the three items in the image below link to the same article.

Update: Josh pointed out that the headline changed *again*. Now it reads “US chides Spain for Iraq pull-out”. Up next: “US gently cautions Spain not to track mud across its nice clean floor”.
Crunchy Jazz
I’m really digging the album “Give” by The Bad Plus. It’s jazz with a sort of punk vibe. Sometimes cacophonous, often experimental and always interesting. They even do a cover of one of my favorite Pixies songs.
Waiting on the 4:30 birdie
The birds have been returning to New England over the past month. From my porch I can see jays, crows, robins, cardinals, and I can hear the occasional woodpecker. Over the past few years, in late March or early April, a single bird, an american robin I think, sits in a tree outside our window and sings its little lungs out in the early morning. It’s a strange thing to hear because there is almost no other bird chatter at that time. My girlfriend and I call this the “4:30 birdie”. Spring may have sprung, but the season won’t have truly changed until the 4:30 birdie arrives.
Ben's Linux Adventure
I’m encouraged by Ben Goodger’s post about his experiences with Fedora Linux. Installing and configuring Linux used to be a painful experience. At least now you don’t have to be a technical wizard to get it up and running. The GNOME desktop has come a long way. It doesn’t approach the level of usability and polish that is evident in Mac OS X, but it’s refreshing that one of Ben’s complaints is about the “drab colors” of the login screen and desktop background. A few years ago one of my complaints about Linux was that I needed to recompile the kernel to add features that I expected out-of-the-box.
Recommend an RSS news reader
For some reason I’ve never met an aggregator that I like. I don’t like to paw through large lists of headlines and bounce between a reader and a web browser. My ultimate aggregator would help me classify by subjects, feeds, headlines and weight them based on my reading habits. Does something like this exist for Mac OS X?
I’ve noticed there are a handful of RSS reader extensions for Mozilla. Does anyone have experience with them?